Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Future of Internet in 2020

Currently the internet is 26 years, 11 months , 3 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours and 2 minutes years old. Technology has evolved so much in such little time.  Now we not only shop, work and meet people online but we also publicize what we are doing at a particular moment through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. All of us are well aware that 2020 holds a lot of surprises. If in 2012 we could see technological products such as Google Glasses, iPad, iPhone4s, etc. What 2020 could offer is beyond our imagination. Companies and Individuals will be more transparent in terms of their personal information  which will consequently question their personal integrity and social tolerance. The mobile would act as a connection tool to the Internet in the world in 2020.The internet's capabilities and capacity for creating and cultivating communication social relationships is on a very grand scale and is undeniably interactive. Things such as voice recognition and touch user interface which prevails to some extent in 2012 will be the norm of 2020. There will be constant and a more emphasized solution in allowing copyright protection to prevent people finding various ways to copy information without payment. Virtual reality and the Physical world will not have a barrier  mixing social relations. 

The polarization and extremity of an individual's personality will be reflected in the technology that develops in  2020. The world will be less tolerant since one's surroundings will not have the uniformity of a single culture. 

In today's day and age no business can operate globally without a website. Companies and Enterprises have used the Internet to change the way they do business and enjoy the opportunities made while using the Internet as a tool of connecting with people today. The Internet today provides connectivity but it is not omnipresent, we have bandwidth but it is not limitless, we have access to content but it cant be reused in every device. Security is such at a question right now. 


In an Asian Media Conference in Los Angeles in 1998  , Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s Senior Minister said “Singapore has managed this relentless flood of information not by blocking the flow but by stating its point of view in competition."Singapore probably has the greatest concentration of international media in the region”. (Straits Times, Oct 31 & Nov 2, 1998). In contrast to this description of Singapore’s fresh freedom is a double voice which speaks volume of the unresolved tension and the history of the supressing of the media in Singapore and how information is slightly more controlled . The mass media theory is the idea that media are corrupting impacts that weaken the social order. This shows the existence of a mass media society where through the power of the state the government can monopolize the public and control their thoughts.

This political view in term of Singapore also shows how in the Future, the Internet will be filled with networked connections. The government will have a lesser impact in controlling thoughts as there will be more room for thoughts in the mind of the citizens. There will be new ways of working, new ways of interacting , new ways of living, etc. As mentioned in my previous blog post companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon will develop more in the future only if these companies aim and hold on to diverse business units and integrate themselves with various technological devices to create a more intense realm of the future/ 

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